10 signs your surf addiction is taking over your life.

Surf addiction is a strange phenomenon, what started as a hobby has somewhat taken over your life.
You think all you need is one day of good waves. You get out of Manila, take a break from your regular grind, head down to one of our surfing paradises for a few days and think that will make it all better?

The thing is that is doesn’t, long after the stoke sets in, when it’s time to leave – 15 minutes into the drive home you’re already missing the beach and of course the people that you find there, and are already dreaming of your next escape. Within 2 days you have withdrawal symptoms and eventually you cry on social media with sincerity with how you would rather be back at the beach and if you get really desperate like me, you start a small business or start saving money with hopes of one day spending the rest of your days at the beach.

Here’s 10 ways to know if surfing is taking over your life. How many can you tick off?

1. When ever any one asks you what you’ve been up to? The one you talk about with most pride is surfing or surf related.

2. It has taken your identity. All your social media display pictures or bio has something “surf” related.

3. You can’t imagine dating a non-surfer. Or your girlfriend or boyfriend is a surfer.

4. You see your friends at the beach more than you do in Manila (For Manilenos)

5. You refuse to work a regular desk job or you start a surf related business in the hope that someday it takes off and you’ll spend the rest of your days by the beach.

6. You spend all your money surfing, you know you should save more but who cares.

7. You stopped spending Sundays with the family.

8. You wish you had more money for different boards.

9. You can’t imagine spending money on a trip/travel non surf related.

10. You can’t remember what life was like before you surfed.

The good news is there is no cure
Happy surfing this weekend.
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Yours truly,

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