
One of the most intriguing aspects of Talon Clemow’s forthcoming movie, THUNDERCLOUD, is the exploration of Cloudbreak’s potential as a big wave spot, and perhaps the finest over-sized barrel anywhere, being effectively masked by the blanket of exclusivity thrown over this break until 2010.

You remember what happened in 2012 during the Volcom Pro? The session which had Dave Wassel saying “These are the best waves I have ever seen in my life.” The year before, Bruce Irons, and that once-in-a-lifetime tube. And who could forget 2010 just after restrictions on surfing access were lifted and the Laurie Towner freefall? 2013 hasn’t seen a banner super session but the fact that all of the above happened after 2010 inevitably makes you wonder what happened before?

“We look into the change of decree and how that changed the face of Cloudbreak and opened it up.” Talon told us “Without this change in decree, the 2012 swell would’ve just been the WCT guys, as the big wave surfers wouldn’t have been allowed in.

“There are definitely some wider issues being explored in this documentary. I’ve also shot a re-enactment with Chief Druku’s family (he is the Tavarua Island chief) that recounts the events of his Great Grandfather’s murder which brought the island of Tavarua into their tribe as a peace offering from the opposing tribe as a means of avoiding retribution.

“It’s pretty in-depth and from the previews I’ve shown people, hopefully quite engaging, which is reassuring after the amount of time and money I’ve spent on this production. It’s close to being finished. I can’t wait to show everyone and get it on the big screen.”

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