Boards: Julian Wilson

6’0.5” X 18.63” X 2.32” X 26.97L F1-Stub
…Lost by Matt Biolos

A board can be aesthetically pleasing. A board can ride like magic. A board can endure beat-downs from baggage handlers and the ocean. And a board can even — every once in a while — help fund cancer research. But a board that is all of those things? That board deserves some attention. May we present to you a collaboration between Mr. Biolos and Mrs. Wilson. Read. Enjoy. Then go check ya tits. —Taylor Paul

It’s had some pretty cool moments. On the Gold Coast, when I beat Joel in Round 4, it just felt like the board was doing whatever I wanted it to do, which is the ultimate feeling when you’re competing. The tail pad is pretty much worn away but the board’s still fine. I just need a new pad and it’ll be good as new.

JULIAN: “Check ya tits” has been the slogan we’ve used for the last few years. My mum came up with it. It’s pretty Australian and seems fitting.
When I was young my mum battled and beat breast cancer. So once I got old enough to figure out what she went through and how gnarly it is, I felt like I was in a position to help out by raising awareness and money for the [National Breast Cancer Foundation]. So for the last five years I’ve been wearing pink boardshorts, riding pink boards and doing the pink thing on the Gold Coast. This year Mum drew Mickey on there before the Quik Pro, and it’s such a good board that I’ve had it in my board bag ever since.
I’ve been working with Matt [Biolos] since the year I qualified for the World Tour, in 2010. A friend, Shea Perkins, introduced us, and one of the first boards Matt made for me stayed in my board bag for that entire year and helped me qualify for the World Tour. I enjoy working with Matt because there’s no beating around the bush. No sugar coating. It’s about what works and what doesn’t and it’s nice not having to make something that doesn’t work seem like it’s all right.
This board is an F1-Stub. It was shaped specifically for Snapper but really it’s just an all-around board. I rode it at Snapper and Bells, and it works well in beach breaks and for fast, punchy, down-the-line waves.

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