Surfing the river waves and tidal bores of the world

Tidal bores and river waves are always a special moment for the surfing community. For inland surfers, in many cases, it's a one shot opportunity to ride a long wave of joy. For surf tourists, it's a rare and sometimes odd moment.

Surfing tidal bores and river waves is possible and can be done safely. Bores only happen in a few places in the world and may only hit your spot once in a year. If you're lucky, it's the ultimate experience.
This particular wave is usually consistent and strong due to the funnel-type effect on the river side. Fortunately, there are incredible good tidal bores in America, Europe and Asia.
The phenomenon consists of a tidal moment that creates a wave that travels up against the natural direction of the river. Some towns and villages publicize the exact day and hour to attract all types of visitors.
In the American continent, Canada offers two different waves. The "Habitat 67", a river wave located in the city of Montreal and Bay of Fundy, a very famous tidal bore located in Nova Scotia.
The United States present two great examples that fit every surfer's dream: Turnagain Arm, in Cook Inlet, and the wave of Pueblo, in the Colorado state. In Brazil, the Amazon River is especially known for its dangerous tidal bore waves. You've probably heard of Pororoca, with its omnivorous "piranhas".
In Europe, the River Severn is one the best tidal bores for surfing, in the world. Located in England, Severn attracts hundreds of surfers trying to beat the record for the longest wave ride. Also in England, there's the Trent Aegir bore.
Germany holds one of the most famous river waves of the world. The Eisbach experience has also been filmed and published in DVD. It's the only and best surf spot of the Munich wave riders. France has a very good tidal bore for surfing in the La Gironde River and another inconsistent attempt in the Seine River. Can you imagine catching a wave in Paris?
In Asia, three great tidal bores. The "Black Dragon", in the Qiantang River, China, has been attracting Western surfers, in the past years. In Indonesia, go for the Kampar Bono experience, while Sri Aman is the option if you visit Malaysia.
Surfing tidal bores can be exciting. Enjoy the endless waves respecting all safety procedures. The best tidal bores and river waves for surfing are:

Montreal (Canada)
Bay of Fundy (Canada)
Turnagain Arm (USA)
Jackson Hole (USA)
Pueblo (USA)
Pororoca (Brazil)
Trent Aegir (England)
River Severn (England)
La Gironde (France)
Seine River (France)
Eisbach (Germany)
Qiantang River (China)
Sri Aman (Malaysia)
Kampar Bono (Indonesia)
Bobr River (Poland)

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