Fine-tuning "The Surfer's Mind"

"The Surfer's Mind" is a book about learning to master our mind for peak performance in surfing and life.

Richard Bennett is a leading specialist in the field of surf psychology. He was the first psychologist to travel globally on the Association of Surfing Professionals World Tour - between 2000 and 2003 - pioneering surf psychology through research, observational profiling and consultation with 100 of the world's top competitive surfers, free surfers and extreme big wave riders.

The 10th anniversary revised edition of "The Surfer's Mind: The Complete, Practical Guide to Surf Psychology" is the go-to guide for surfers to discover and explore the full potential of dreams and goals.
The book includes a basic approach to enhancing the core elements of surfing performance, effective strategies to fine tune key mental factors in your surfing performance, and guidance on personal development through your connection with the ocean.

Learn to tune your mind, prepare for free surf and competition, get set for big waves, and discover the power of surf coaching. It's all in the mind.

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