Who says the Harlem Globetrotters can't surf?

The Harlem Globetrotters have gone surfing at Puaena Point Beach, on the Oahu's North Shore.

What are famous basketball players doing in boardshorts? Enjoying summer holidays? Taking a break after a strenuous game? Working on a tan?

Bull Bullard and Flight Time Lang, dunker and dribbler for the Harlem Globetrotters, have rapidly learned how to ride waves in the warm waters of Hawaii. After a quick introduction to surfing, the stars hit the waves and impressed.

With 12-foot surfboards, Bullard and Lang caught wave after wave, showing talent and ease in the water, and even got comfortable enough for some ball tricks and spins while wave riding. After all, they couldn't stop being basketball players.

"It's the number one hardest thing. If you don't do this every day, if you don't take it seriously, you could hurt yourself or kill yourself. It was our first time doing it. So we weren't pro, but we got the hang of it," Bullard told The Huffington Post.

The Harlem Globetrotters are an exhibition basketball team founded in 1927. They have already played more than 20,000 exhibition games in 120 countries.

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