Kelly Slater and Will Ferrell want to move the ocean

What do Kelly Slater and William Ferrell have in common? They're trying to move the ocean to the wet part of the Colorado River Delta.

The problem is that Robert Redford, the Hollywood actor, believes there's an alternative way of raising small amounts of water in the Delta, in order to restore 2,300 acres of forest and marsh along a 70-mile stretch of river.

Redford's goal is to generate rural economic activities and job opportunities for local people, including river restoration, tourism, recreational hunting, and sport and commercial fisheries.

Kelly Slater and William Ferrell seem to have joined the cause. Or not. Well, at least they've come up with an alternative solution - move the ocean and its waves back to the Colorado River Delta.

"Do we really need more river? I mean, we've got plenty of ocean. Let's move it. Let's reconnect these things the old fashion way. The American way," reveals Ferrell in the promotion video.

The Colorado River sweeps through seven US and two Mexican states, but it no longer reaches the sea.
Not only have plants, animals and marine life disappeared, but native people including the Cocopah and Cucapa - who have lived on the Delta for thousands of years - are now deprived of the landscape and river they used to hunt and fish.

The campaign aims to raise $10 million by 2017 to restore a 70-mile stretch of river and wetland habitat and to benefit the communities of the long-neglected Delta.

Help reconnect the Colorado. Decide to "Raise the River" or "Move the Ocean". Two solutions for one problem.

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