How to duck dive big waves

Have you ever felt like a small animal in front of a giant mountain of water ready to fall on you? Well, duck diving might be the solution for all your fears. But, how can we assure the perfect duck dive for a 10-foot breaking wave?

The secret lies in practice and momentum - the right time for starting your emergency procedure. First of all, make sure you paddle towards the oncoming wave. Yes, you should really gain speed and should not wait for it to come.
Push the rails downwards, with your both hands, sinking the nose of your surfboard as deep as possible. Take a deep and calm breath and submerge. As soon as you enter the water, press your board with your knee or foot to make the surfboard flow under the rolling wave.
At the same time, try to redirect the nose of your surfboard to the surface, where you think it's safe to emerge. As soon as possible, start paddling out as fast as you can so you don't get "sucked" by the opposite energy carried by the wave.
Duck diving is harder for the lightest bodies because skinny surfers tend to fluctuate more than regular and heavy athletes. Nevertheless, practice can improve anyone's duck diving skills against the scariest water foam monsters.

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