The best surf magazines in the world

Surf magazines are part of the history of surfing. Surf magazines explore the surfing lifestyle and have been building the concept of surf cultures for decades.

The greatest surf spots, the most successful surfers, the hidden wave peaks and the most thrilling moments in the history of surfing have been reported and published in the pages of the best surf magazines of the planet.
Surf photos, surf articles, surf ideas, surf technology, surfboards, surf culture and surf stars are the main juicy features of today's printed surf mags. There are international and national surf magazines for all tastes, despite the large number of advertising pages on each issue.
The first surf magazine was "The Surfer", a publication released in 1959 by John Severson. The multifaceted Californian surfer debuted "The Surfer", which later turned into "The Surfer Quarterly", "Surfer Bi-Monthly" and finally "Surfer".
"Surfer" is often considered the 'bible of surfing'. The North American publication has a long and popular tradition in surf journalism and keeps an up-to-date vision of modern surfing, while keeping an eye in the roots of wave riding.
"Surfing Magazine" is born in 1964 and has since conquered its own surf market. Although it is owned by the same company, "Surfing Magazine" targets a younger audience with its own original features. "Surfing Magazine" boosted the creation of the International Surfing Day, established in 2004.
"TransWorld Surf" has been leading modernism in surf photography printed publications. It was founded in 1999 and keeps representing youth, progression and innovation in surfing.
"Carve" is UK's best selling and biggest surf publication. The British surf magazine has been leading printed innovations in Europe with cutting edge surf photos and exclusive world features.
"Australia's Surfing Life" is one of most famous monthly surf magazine. It was founded in 1985. "Surfing World", another Australian surf publication, saw the light of day in 1962 and it stands as Australia's oldest surfing magazine.
"Surfer's Journal" is a surf magazine which targets a more mature audience and it was founded by Steve and Debbee Pezman, in 1992. With a low number of advertising pages, it features stunning photos and great alternative surf articles.

"ZigZag" is the most relevant surf magazine published in South Africa.

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