Mick Fanning is "Missing"

Surf filmmaker Taylor Steele has kidnapped Mick Fanning and taken him the to the most radical places on the planet. The Australian is "Missing".

The movie project takes Mick Fanning out of the competition world of the ASP and drops him square into reality and hidden locations.

Basically, he would turn up on day one, be given a boarding pass and told to get on a plane. From there it was keep moving, keep being blown away, day- after-day layered with surprise.
"They did a good job on me, said Mick, kept me guessing, kept me searching. Taylor and our small crew of photographers were awesome. There's nothing we did not do for each other to make the project work", explains Fanning.

"At one stage Taylor was in hospital and so sick, that we had to sneak in and steal him to get to the next location. But he did it, he was there driving it all along the next day."
In Africa for stop one, instead of hitting the surf fresh off the plane like he usually would, he found himself trekking through jungles alongside armed guides.
In Ireland, he walked into a pub where his best mate Taylor Knox and wife Karissa were waiting with a pint of Guinness.

In an undisclosed location, a chopper arrived and flew him and John John Florence to a secluded right hand reef for the day.
In another jungle, waiting under a palm tree, off a big right peak, was the enigmatic Tom Curren. As a result the surfing is special. Mick Fanning went "Missing" for 21 days, in July 2013.
"Knowing Mick, there's a lot of layers to him that are not usually portrayed in the media and this is a great opportunity to show people what a great guy he is and what a great traveler he is too. I'm proud of the piece", adds Taylor Steele.

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MISSING - A Taylor Steele Film

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