Glassy Winter Barrels in France – StRaNGe Beautiful LIFE [5:27]

Intimate mumblings from a travelling, surf stoked, positive energy seeker...
Take what you will from these words. They are merely just that, words, my take on what this all means from the small to the big. Some of you will be quick to judge and that's fine, some of you will ponder and that's just fine also.
For me it's all a positive creative outlet from helping make and being part of these little films to writing these random notes. I'm here for what I consider quite a short time in time so I'm enjoying the ride and trying to take it all in.
Look up at that burning beacon of hope in the sky. That vitamin D provider and sun worshipper's god. In all its glory it is slowly dying, it is after all a star, and one day when it flares Earth will be no more as it gets consumed by its fiery grasp. On another scale entirely dark energy is ever increasingly pushing and speeding our universe into a cold oblivion, super cosmic stuff I know but this stuff fascinates me and puts a whole new spin on the meaning of life. So when your alarm goes off on an early winter's dawn and you wander outside into the clear starlight darkness have a look around you and you can't help but feel for just those few accountable seconds that winter's cold grasp has caused time and space to just stop. It's easy to get caught up in day to day life stresses and problems but the big picture continues regardless and marches to the sound of its own drum and if you look up and around you with an open mind and a willingness to just be you will be overruled with an emotional connection that will infuse your daily life. Now take that same state of mind into the sea and ride a few waves and tell me it doesn't feel good...
Music by Lloyd Yates

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