Happy Ending: Cocktail-High Time

Ryan Callinan. Photo: Duncan Macfarlane

Life on the North Shore is formulaic. Traditions run deep and proud, and why fix that which isn’t broken? You surf Pipe when it’s good, Off The Wall when it’s not and everywhere else when you’re bored and lazy. You go to Foodland when hunger gnaws at your innards and you remove your flip-flops off before entering anywhere. And only after a long day of this rhythmic routine, as the sun sets out towards Mokuleia, do you fix yourself a cocktail and enjoy the glow.
Here we see Ryan Callinan saluting the world’s favorite star with a stalefish at Off The Wall. He cocks his tail and throws it high in the golden sky, spinning one last time to put another North Shore day in the books. While reports remain unconfirmed, it is thought that he went to Foodland shortly after coming in, and possibly shoeless.

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