Glenn Hall says injury wildcard decisions are "hard to swallow"

Glenn Hall is not happy with the injury wildcard decisions made by the Association of Surfing Professionals regarding the 2014 AP World Tour roster.

The top 34 surfers on 2014 AP World Tour have been decided, but Glenn Hall doesn't understand the criteria for the injury wildcards, allocated to Tiago Pires and Owen Wright. The Irish-Australian surfer sustained a significant back injury, at Restaurants, Fiji, and spent half of the season recovering.
"Six months from the date of the accident and I'm sitting hear consoling my distraught wife. We have spent six months eagerly waiting to find out if my dream of being a WT surfer is over", Hall wrote in his personal blog.

"It's hard news to swallow but I'm ok. Maybe it's shock. Along the way I've been positive. I felt like I had a strong case that fit the criteria. To see my wife so upset saying 'I'm just upset for you because it's your dream, and your dream is my dream', brought me to tears".

"Is it time to get a real job? Is the replacement WT position going to be enough to support the growing family and pay the bills? What job can I do with a busted back?"

Tiago Pires and Owen Wright have been out of competition since the Billabong Rio Pro 2013. They are "frequent flyers" in the ASP World Tour for a few years, and naturally qualified for the injury wildcards.
Kelly Slater has already commented. The Floridian says it "would be tough in any of the positions. You [Hall], Tiago and Owen have all had bad injuries. How is ASP to choose properly? Not an easy answer".

"Lots of people taking the easy way of claiming a conspiracy but Tiago has never missed events or been injured and has been top 15 surfer. Owen runner-up finish two years ago. You got really unlucky with timing this year having so many bad injuries", Slater answered Glenn "Micro" Hall.

The 2014 ASP World Tour will kick off with the Quiksilver Gold Coast, March 1st.

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