Have you booked a room at Quiksilver Hotels?

Surf industry brand leader Quiksilver is preparing an investment in action sports hotels.

The new insignia has been named Quiksilver Hotels & Resorts International. The joint-venture between the Huntington Beach company and Matteson Capital, an investment fund headquartered in Newport Beach.

In the next five years, Quiksilver Hotels will acquire properties in which concert venues, skateboarding parks and surf parks will be installed, with the helping hand of Tony Hawk and Kelly Slater.

Palm Springs, Hawaii, Bali, Costa Rica, Anaheim and Orlando are some of the regions that will be targeted by Quiksilver Hotels & Resorts International. There are $250 millions available for investment.
Quiksilver was founded in 1969, in Australia, by Alan Green and John Law. A simple boardshorts garage business turned into a $1.8 billion empire.

The company's Quiksilver, Roxy, and DC brands have roots and heritage in surf, snow and skate. Its products are sold in more than 100 countries in a wide range of distribution, including surf shops, skate shops, snow shops, company-owned retail stores, and e-commerce channels.

Andrew P. Mooney is Chief Executive Officer for Quiksilver, since January 2013. He previously served as Chairman of Disney Consumer Products, Chief Marketing Officer and founder of Nike's equipment business, and General Manager of Nike's global apparel business.

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