Why surfing will be cleaner, cooler and better

The 12th Annual Surfing Arts, Science and Issues Conference will discuss why surfing will be cleaner, cooler and better, on the 15th February, at the Scripps Institute of Oceanography.

The future of surfing is not disposable. The debate promises to heat up the conference to be held in La Jolla, California.

Surfers are finding new ways to embed sustainability into the world of riding waves and these changes can have a wide-ranging effect to increase the general appeal of a sustainable lifestyle.

Surf companies, surfboard shapers, and world tour contest organizers are steadily integrating sustainability into their supply chain and competitions.

This transition is gathering momentum, just as the scientific evidence about the direct environmental threats from a rapidly changing climate to our ocean ecosystems are gaining wider recognition.

These threats are real and accelerating: coral reef ecosystems are threatened with extinction by mid-century, while sea level rise and shifting storm patterns are already changing the quality of waves at breaks around the world.

Surfers are finally changing the world and their world. The 12th Annual Surfing Arts, Science and Issues Conference will present the latest scientific research on how climate change impacts surfing, with a special lecture by Dr. Davey Kline on the future of coral reefs in a high-CO2 world with ocean acidification.

Other speakers and panelists include Kim Matsoukas, Mark Price, Dr. Jess Ponting, Jason Koons, Rob Falken, Jim Moriarty, Evan Marks, and Alex Carlson.

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