Winners of the December Winter Session

Feast your eyes on the winners of the December Winter Session. The two edits selected embody winter surfing in all its grisly beauty, and fully deserve a spot in the grand final. Conor, Sandy and their respective videographers will all receive a Nixon tide watch, while taking one significant step closer to a boat trip on the Jiwa around Northern Sumatra.

The young Conor Maguire blew us away with his fearless approach of one of the most bloodcurdling spots on the planet. Those present at Mully on the day called him the standout, and he certainly loomed large on the shortlist.

Sandy Kerr’s edit strives to encompass the essence of winter surfing in a meagre 90s. The pitch dark morning, thick neoprene and high consequence wave evoke chilly memories in many a cold water surfer. There may have been more jaw dropping entries, but we listened to the general consensus, and concluded that everything is harder when encased in six mil of rubber.

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