Sorake Beach Surfing Best places in the world has the longest waves with a height of 5 meters

Sorake Beach is located on the island of Nias, precisely in Botohilitano Village, Kecamatan Teluk Dalam, South Nias district and Nias Island is the position on the western island of Sumatra.South Nias Regency is one of regencies in North Sumatra (Indonesia), located on the island of Nias.

Sorake Beach referred to as the second best surfing beaches in the world after Hawaii in the United States.
Sorake Beach is a tourist attraction for domestic tourists and foreign tourists.Every year many tourists from around the world come to Sorake Beach for surfing sports activities.

Sorake Beach has the privilege of huge waves and strong and the waves can roll with the intact until kebibir beach and has 11 times the wave before breaking with wave heights ranging from 3 meters to 5 meters,The waves have five levels That so surfers can do attractions with a variety of styles in each level cans and surfers ride the wave Until it reaches a distance of 200 meters Because it has the character of long waves That are rarely found anywhere in this part of world.

Sorake Beach is unique because there is no sand is sloping, there is a rock-strewn. Suburbs rocks which are directly dealing with the outer sea that has a depth of 2 to 3 meters.If you want to surf do not need to swim far into the middle, yet small enough to walk alongside a beach filled with rocks, then swim as far as 2 or 3 meters into the sea and then just waiting for the tide to slide.

Facilities Available at the beach sorake
There is a home stay, lodging, hotels, so that the tourists more comfortable living on the island of Nias.

When all trip Coast Sorake

Day, especially Saturday and Sunday, Sorake Beach is visited by people crowded around him to just enjoy the refreshing beauty of sea blue clouds on top, next to the sea or swimming pool will also enjoy a sunset on this beach is so beautiful.

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