Surfing crystal waters in Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea has been known for its pristine diving spots and crystal clear waters, but surfing has become quite popular in this Oceania country.

The second largest island in the world offers 600 outer islands, atolls and coral reefs. Located northeast of Australia, Papua New Guinea has a wide set of surf breaks, surrounded by WWII artifacts, marine life and sunken volcanoes.

Rugby is Papua New Guinea's most popular sport, but surfers have been visiting the country for a couple of decades. Fortunately, the weather conditions and the local touristic resorts are playing on surfing's side.
Papua New Guinea experiences wet and dry seasons, much like all other equatorial climates. The wet season runs from November through to April - the best surf season - and the dry season goes from May to October.

Average temperatures range from between 25-30ºC and water temperatures remain warm year round at about 26ºC. A summer wetsuit is the right pick for the last frontier of planetary surfing.

Vanimo, in the far northwestern region of the country, is a great choice if you want to test the Bismarck Sea swell. The New Ireland region, in the Latangai Island, is one of the most popular surf zones.

If you travel down by the coast you'll find and name new surf spots, for sure. In the New Hanover and Manus islands are great alternatives, if you're looking for uncrowded spots and world-class perfect waves.
Finally, on mainland, take a look at the Madang surf region, where you'll find reef, point and beach breaks. Other great surf spots include Wewak and Milne Bay.

The Surf Travel Company can guide you through the best surf spots in Morocco.

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