The power of Mavericks in ten minutes

Fox Sports has released a short documentary about the history of Mavericks, the infamous big wave surfing spot located at Half Moon Bay, California.

Jeff Clark is the key to Mavericks. He discovered the wave's potential in the 1970s and spent 15 years surfing it alone in the dark.

Decades later, after convincing friends to join him in the cold waters, Mavericks is the US capital of big wave surfing.

The documentary follows the life of organizers and the surfers, as they prepare for the Mavericks Invitational. The spiritual side of the place is kept alive by Greg Long.

Mavericks has rules. Mavericks has claimed lives. You have to be prepared, physically and mentally. There are sharks out there to add drama to the whole story.

Mavericks feels like concrete in wipeout mode, but it will also change your life forever. "I still really love it. You have to be the person you are. I'd rather live a good short life than a long miserable one", underlines Mark Healey.

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