This Week in Webclips

A curated list of the best webclips on the Internet

For what this clip lacks in the beginning, it more than makes up for in the end. Alex Gray, Mike Gleason, Pat Schmidt, and Gony Zubizarreta surf a heavy right-hand slab in Portugal. The takeoff spot is very deep, completely top-to-bottom, and blends into a running boil section. Definitely not the easiest looking wave to surf, but that’s Alex Gray’s specialty (the closing section of The Cradle of Storms is at a similar wave and, moderately put, Alex shines).

Yago Dora Hawaii
It’s official. Yago Dora is no longer the Brazilian kid that pulled off a perfect backflip at Rocky Point. Now he’s the kid with rotations and grabs matched only by the likes of Gabriel Medina, John John Florence, and co. Oh yeah, turns out he can hold his own in the heavy stuff too.

No Edit #5: Who is editing?
Wow. This intro is, uhh, unique. But thank god Alex Botelho’s smoking, monotone fish puts the tape in his computer, much to the detest of his girlfriend(?), because the footage is next level. I can’t decide whether or not the opening right is more enjoyable to watch than the massive Mavericks section.

Bonnie Barrels in Scotland
This clip may or may not make you want to get a front-foot traction pad. Regardless, it will make you want to go surf. POV, frosty barrels in Scotland shot entirely on a GoPro.

The Pineapple Expression Digression
Laguna Beach native Nate Zoller spent a lot of time in Hawaii this past winter. The opening wave at Pipe followed by a bunch of heavy Backdoor bombs are enough to sell us on the perks of staying on the North Shore long after the crowds dissipate.

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