The finalists of the Australian Big Wave Awards 2013/2014

The finalists of Surfing Life's Oakley Big Wave Awards 2013/2014 have been announced.

Australia's most prestigious huge-surf awards have already named the finalists in the "Biggest Slab", "Biggest Wave", and "Biggest Paddle-In" categories.

The pictures and videos are absolutely breathtaking. Waves ridden are not only big, they are also pretty heavy. Judges will decide the "primus inter pares".

The surf spot of Pedra Branca, in Tasmania, attracted a group of hardened big wave surfers. Words are simply not enough to describe what they've found in recent times.

"In the morning, on arrival, we were blown by how big the swell was, you could feel the wave energy from the boat as they broke, these were the biggest waves I've ever seen in my life," explains Tyler Hollmer Cross, "Biggest Wave" finalist.

"The first wave we saw would have had to have a 70 foot face. I knew that the wave I caught, my finalist entry, was the biggest of my life. As Tasmanians, we are lucky enough to have some of the biggest waves in the world on our doorstep."

Jeffree Goulden, also known as "Camel", returned to an isolated West Australian location to score dangerous waves in harsh conditions.

"Not only do you have to worry about the very real danger of copping the beating of a lifetime, but the water is cold and with a seal colony close by, there are some very large animals under the ocean that could end your session, and your life, in an instant", he explains.

"I surf a lot in this area now, and often just getting out of the water alive and in one piece is enough to make you give a hoot and be very thankful you've surfed these treacherous, sharky waters and lived to tell the tale."

Finalists of the Surfing Life's Oakley Big Wave Awards 2013/2014

Biggest Wave
James Hollmer-Cross
Tyler Hollmer-Cross
Ryan Waine
Danny Griffiths
Paul Viney
Mikey Brennan
Biggest Paddle-In
James Hollmer-Cross
Kirk Bierke
Mark Mathews
Sam Jervis
Jeff Rowley

Biggest Slab
Bradley Norris
Shanan Worrall
Laurie Towner
Ryan Hipwood
Kyron Rathbone

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